1931 Ford Model A Roadster

1931 Ford Model A Roadster

Sunday, January 5, 2014

From the Royster Garage

Nasty weather this week gave ample opportunity to glass bead many project car parts and the warm morning let me prime and paint some of them. My friend Walt kindly helped me with a few missing parts this week and shared with me much info about restoration.  I was able to pick up some missing parts at a very nice price. Starter, Handbrake lever, shock arms, lugnuts. correct fan. Wheels got a paint inner coating to protect the tubes for later on.  Shocks, links, arms, brakes, drums, crossmember supports, fan, brake arms, all got primed and or painted for later installation. Waiting on new brake linings to arrive. This car has the aftermarket brake system on it whereby the shoes float in the drum allowing them to center on the drum instead of just rubbing  at the high spots when applied! Having a blast.

Blasted and painted.

Inner coating.

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