1931 Ford Model A Roadster

1931 Ford Model A Roadster

Monday, February 3, 2014

Part 2 Pics

Daughter Laura reminded me that I need to include pics of Walt in this, so here are two that Mike took this weekend as we were removing the shifter spring with Walt's homemade tool that  works very well.  


Second picture is transmission  disassembly and third is Walt's tool.  

Special tool.

Fourth picture is the cam gear. I wanted to get a new cam as the original one is not useable so I had to get the gear off so I could send the old cam in for a new one. Even Walts special tool would not remove the nut from the end of the cam.  Apparently after sitting for so long the fiber gear absorbed moisture and swelled up and rusted itself to the cam. Walt suggested breaking the gear off and sawing around the broken hub with a hacksaw to free up the nut. So we did, Still stuck!  We spent the next hour with a tiny chisel and with Mike holding and me hammering the fiber gear remains we got it off.     

Old cam gear.

It has been so cold and  snowy I haven't been able to paint but Sunday was warm and I got all 6 wheels sanded and painted.

Painted wheels.

  I wanted to get the tires on them so I could have a rolling chassis and start assembling suspension parts soon. So I decided to wash the tires before installing them.  I started washing with tire cleaner and the more I scrubbed the yellower they got.  Seems the last time the wheels got painted yellow the tires got painted yellow also and then  the yellow was covered up with tire blacking. As soon as the tire blacking came off the yellow showed up. I tried paint thinner, lacquer thinner, xylene, and nothing would cut the yellow paint. Next I got a can of paint remover and some steel wool and after a lot of scrubbing, the yellow finally came off.  Then I washed off the paint remover and  put them in the shop next to a dehumidifier to dry out the insides which had gotten really wet.  That's all for now.


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