1931 Ford Model A Roadster

1931 Ford Model A Roadster

Monday, July 27, 2015

Roadster Subrails and Crosschannels Finished

After getting longer subrails to repair the rusted original partial ones in the car, they had to be cut to fit.  I made long U shaped cuts for strength rather than just straight cuts and welds.  Each side was different depending on where the rust stopped.  

The first four pics are fitting the old and new sections together.  Getting the length correct is critical to having the body bolt together correctly so I installed the missing body blocks that hold the subrails and cross channels off the frame and bolted all the new metal together.  At the back of the car the bumper brackets/body mounts hold the last section of the body together as the frame stops at the differential.  So I mounted them to the car to locate the last cross channel only to find out they were off six inches.  It seems the car had been assembled years ago with a set of sedan bumper brackets that did not even connect with the rear subrail.  Luckily Walt had a set of roadster brackets he donated to the cause.  

The fifth pic is of the body blocks bolted in their correct location.

  Pic six and seven show the difference in the sedan and roadster brackets.  The one on the left is what was on the car and the one on the right is the correct one.  

The next pic is the old and new sections of the subrail welded together.  

The next pic is of the subrails and cowl inverted and ready to be sanded and primed.

Next two are the weld sanded and ready for priming.


The next six are the subrails primed before riveting the cross channels to them.  All will be bolted again to the body blocks and the cross channels will be riveted together.  Then  the floor pans will be  riveted in and the body can start coming together.