1931 Ford Model A Roadster

1931 Ford Model A Roadster

Monday, August 3, 2015

Body Alignment Check

The first picture is a close up of the subrail /crosschannel intersection showing body bolt #5 and the two different sized Cleco's installed.  

Next is me hanging the driver's door to check the spacing between the cowl and rear quarter panel.  This space is not adjustable once the quarter is riveted to the subrail, so it has to be correct.  

The next pic is the interior with both doors hung looking through the rumble seat opening.  
   Everything is aligned and fitting well now so I will remove the body parts and unbolt the subrails and cowl from the frame and one by one I will replace each Cleco with a rivet and using an air tool with a special waffle head rivet them together. There is a sequence to riveting the body together because in several places once you have riveted a panel in, you can't get to the back side of other rivets to buck them. Let's see if we can figure it out!

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