1931 Ford Model A Roadster

1931 Ford Model A Roadster

Monday, August 3, 2015

Cross Channels and Floor Pans

Side View

Rear Floor Pan

Rear Floor Pan

Front View

Curtain Pan and Rear Floor

Next the subrails were bolted to the frame using the body blocks inserted into the cross channels.  The rear cross channel was bolted again to the bumper/body support.  Then the rivet holes were drilled and the subrails were temporarily fastened together through the rivet holes with Cleco fasteners.
Next the floor pans were installed and drilled for riveting into the flange in the subrails and cross channels.  They too were fastened temporarily with the Cleco's.  The front pan is under the drivers seat and holds the sidecurtains for the top when not in use.  The rear panel is the footrest for the passengers in the rumble seat.  It is supposed to slope upward at the front edge to meet the drivers seat, but the seat I have was made to go all the way to the floor so in order to use the seat I used a flat pan which will also let me move the drivers seat rearward a few inches for a more spacious cab. 

Next I temporarily installed the body parts to make sure everything lines up before I start replacing the Cleco's with rivets.  It would be easy to make body adjustments now but once riveted together, it would be a major undertaking.

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