1931 Ford Model A Roadster

1931 Ford Model A Roadster

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Other side

 Got the other side done today! And got the hinges and latch that were welded in fixed so now they are removable and adjustable again.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Wood time

 Yesterday was warm enough for me to paint the POR 15 rust inhibitor on the last quarter panel and under where the wood goes on the other one. Today I replaced the wood with new oak that was given to me because it didn't fit.  All I did was use dowels and plug the holes and glue them in. Then drilled new holes where they should have been.  Now it fits great and  no more rotten wood.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Door weatherstrip channel

 I  spread and sanded bondo all day till five  then I remembered the door I put the skin on needed the track for the weatherstrip on the bottom edge. So I made one and welded it in.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Welding finished


Welding finished, now for the body work. Lots of extra holes and cracks filled in the body but I finished today. Now I can start making it look nice.

Door hinges and sample color

 Today I hammered and dollied all the dents out of the door. Then I had to fit the brace that holds the hinge that had broken off.  Since I had no frame of reference  with the hinge brace  broken and bent, I decided that the hinges have to be in the same plane to operate. So I  turned down a steel rod that would go through both hinges at once so I could mark the braces position to weld it back in the door.  I also went to the paint store today with my  old paint chip and had them computer match a Washington blue color for me. Then I brushed some on a sample to see how I liked it.  It is probably a perfect match but the paint on the cowl is a little darker from age  and I think I like it better. So after a few days drying I'll decide whether to have him darken it a bit or not. 

Door hinge repairs

 The first pic is the passenger door with 50% of the bondo sanded off. The next one is all bondo gone, very few dents that could not be worked out so 95% of this bondo was unnecessary.  Then the hinges..... welded in. I  cut the welds and ground out the brass and drilled out the screws and  got them out. The brace that the hinge was supposed  to bolt to had fallen out and it had been welded back to the wrong side of the hinge, doing nothing. Now to clean up and weld the brace  back in and patch the cracks and holes.

Door pocket done

 Old hinge cut out of door after inner panel broke and latch welded in.  It was easier to weld it in than make a new pocket with new hidden nuts so it could be removed or replaced. It was worn  out so it had to be replaced.  The new pocket welded in.   The new  latch in the door, adjustable and removable now!