1931 Ford Model A Roadster

1931 Ford Model A Roadster

Monday, March 7, 2016

Door hinges and sample color

 Today I hammered and dollied all the dents out of the door. Then I had to fit the brace that holds the hinge that had broken off.  Since I had no frame of reference  with the hinge brace  broken and bent, I decided that the hinges have to be in the same plane to operate. So I  turned down a steel rod that would go through both hinges at once so I could mark the braces position to weld it back in the door.  I also went to the paint store today with my  old paint chip and had them computer match a Washington blue color for me. Then I brushed some on a sample to see how I liked it.  It is probably a perfect match but the paint on the cowl is a little darker from age  and I think I like it better. So after a few days drying I'll decide whether to have him darken it a bit or not. 

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